When it comes to dental problems, most people think of kids with one or several cavities rather than adult dental conditions. In reality, adult dental conditions are quite common. From gum disease to cavities, halitosis and beyond, adult dental problems are quite extensive. Though youngsters get more than their fair share of cavities, the truth is the most diverse dental health challenges arise in the adult years.
Adult Dental Condition #1: Halitosis
Bad breath, also referred to as halitosis, is a major oral health issue. Aside from being annoying and making social situations uncomfortable, halitosis is indicative of another oral health issue. Do not assume it is the food you are eating that is causing your bad breath. There is likely an underlying dental problem that needs professional analysis and treatment from your dentist.
Your halitosis might be an indication of one or several cavities, bacteria on your tongue, gum disease or dry mouth. Do not assume you can rinse with mouthwash to eliminate your halitosis. Mouthwash only masks bad breath. Meet with a dentist to determine the true cause of your bad breath.
Adult Dental Condition #2: Gum Disease
Gum disease appears and progresses across two distinct stages. The first is gingivitis. If left untreated or if treatment proves ineffective, the disease progresses to the second stage known as periodontitis. Plenty of people suffer from gum disease and fail to receive an official diagnosis. Be sure to meet with your dentist at least two times per year so we can analyze your mouth for adult dental conditions like gum disease.
Keep in mind gum disease can prove quite problematic if you do not seek professional treatment. Gum disease is the top cause of tooth loss. Gum disease might also cause strokes and heart attacks. You can prevent gum disease by flossing and brushing your teeth following each meal. Receive professional dental cleanings two times per year at our office.
If we find signs of gum disease, we may recommend that you go through a periodontal scaling and root planing. This deep cleaning cleans the teeth and the gums beneath them. Take this route and you will likely have to return to the dentist three months later to ensure the gum disease does not return.
Adult Dental Condition #3: Cavities
Adult dental cavities are surprisingly common. Sugar is now in just about every food on supermarket shelves. People are rushing through or skipping their teeth cleaning regimen more often now than in years past. The result of this one-two punch is an increase in adult cavities. Cavities occur when plaque accumulates on the teeth.
This plaque generates an acid that attacks tooth enamel. It is important to remove the bacteria before it has the opportunity to turn into tartar. Once tartar forms, you will need the dentist's specialized tools to scrape it off.
Request a dental exam here: https://www.fadimetridentistry.com or call Fadi R Metri & Associates at (617) 415-9350 for an appointment in our West Roxbury dental office.
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